“Nothing Feels Better Than Making Your Dream A Reality”



Founder Jane Marx likes to say that her business, the Beautiful bunch, delivers flowers that feel good – twice.  That’s because every bouquet and arrangement is selected and prepared by a team of young women from refugee backgrounds, who receive on-the-job training in floristry, digital literacy and financial management.

“Our focus is on 18 to 24-year-old refugee women because they have the greatest need. These young women don’t have work-ready skills, as their education has been interrupted and, for over 85 per cent of our trainees, this is their first-ever job.”

After six months of training, graduates of the Beautiful bunch have secured roles in healthcare, hospitality, and entry-level administration, as well as floristry. “Our focus is to set up our trainees for lifelong career success, so that when they graduate they have transferable software and digital skills as well as great botanical knowledge.”

What was the women’s reaction when you phoned to offer them work again?

“They were desperate for work and I was pretty realistic about the level of support I could provide while I was still learning, too. So I pitched it to them as a business we’d build together. Having the premises meant we could gather in a space to make beautiful arrangements together and figure out how to build a business that felt both wildly optimistic and something we all really needed. I know I certainly did.”

Where did your first order come from?

“We had seven orders the first day – I nearly died, wondering how we’d fulfil them! They were all customers of my previous social enterprise; we were able to leverage that email list of about 2,000 people. Those first orders were so heartening, as I felt these customers were supportive of our broader social mission. Now, we employ 11 trainees. We’ve expanded into events and we’re ready to scale – we have big plans.”

What do you enjoy the most about the Beautiful bunch?

“I really, really love what I do. There isn’t a single day when I don’t want to get up and go to work. I love the small moments, as well as the big wins: noticing one of the girls walking in with a bit more confidence; watching them make friends and smile when they’ve created something beautiful. I’m really hands-on and there isn’t that dichotomy you find in other charities – they’re all really invested in the vision and supportive of me personally, and that just makes me so proud and happy.”

“Nothing feels better than making your dream a reality. The life and the business I’ve created once existed only in my mind. Now, when people say the name of something I said just to myself, it’s magical.”

Meet The Women Making Thousands From Their Wardrobes



“Listen with the same passion with which you want to be heard. In a world where it feels like everyone has something to say, including me, about everything at all times, that advice really stopped me in my tracks. I want to practice active listening a lot more.”


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