Paloma Rose Garcia On  The Secret To Fuss-Free Style



“I’m pretty direct and straight up. I’m very black and white. I am never indecisive.” That fuss-free approach extends to Paloma Rose Garcia's personal style, which favours sandals and trainers over heels, and easy beach dresses that can be thrown over swimmers.

Casual, yes, but also chic. After all, Paloma has  been orbiting the fashion  world since she was young, having shown a preternatural talent  for hairdressing.

At seven, she would attend hair appointments with her mother, sweeping hair and folding tinfoil. By 12, she was a “tea-and-tidy girl” at a Sydney salon; by  25 she owned a 50 per cent share in the salon in which she worked. Paloma, her salon in Sydney’s Paddington, launched in 2018.

Increasingly, what Paloma wants is to help others. During the late 2019 bushfires, she and a hairdresser friend spent a weekend on the south coast giving more than 40 free haircuts to women whose lives had been upended by the disaster.

The 35-year-old mother of two has also grown increasingly passionate about Indigenous rights and climate change.  Now, she aims to buy from ethical or sustainable brands  like New Zealand Maggie Marilyn or jeweller Holly Ryan as much  as possible.

“Maggie Marilyn’s cuts work for me, I’ve always been curvaceous. We’ve all been there and tried to starve ourselves, but it doesn’t mean you end up looking like a model. I have a different shape.”

These days, although she loves fashion, her focus is on quality over quantity: “I don’t rush out and randomly buy things.  I try to be considered.”

Maggie Marilyn $895

Holly Ryan $990

Meet The Women Making Thousands From Their Wardrobes



Read more about incorporating neon  at PRIMER.

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