Once the preserve of fisherman, gardening enthusiasts and Cher from Clueless, bucket hats are back, and in a big way.
It’s easy to see why. “You can throw them in your bag, scrunch them around, get them wet and they’re as good as new,” points out PRIMER contributing stylist Lucy Wood, who selected the hats for this shoot and is not ordinarily known for prioritising practicality. “Plus, I think they suit most people,” she adds.
Although bucket hats were, indeed, originally designed for fishermen and soldiers, they’ve enjoyed a renaissance of late, with Prada, Dior, Fendi, Giorgio Armani and Chanel offering up designer versions since the 2018 summer collections.

Top: Bayview Bucket hat by Avenue The Label (currently sold out, though other bucket hats available). Otherwise, similar style from Seed, $49.95, here. Above left: Wellington Hat Factory bucket hat, $57 Above right: Ganni denim bucket hat $125
“I can see them hanging around for a while,” says Lucy, who points out that because bucket hats have been in shops for a year or two now, there’s a style to suit everyone. “The range of bucket hats out there at the moment is huge – from terry towelling to straw styles, short and wide brims.”
Which is not to say it’s a trend without pitfalls.

Above: NICO bucket hat, $149; Threadgate bucket hat, $110
To avoid looking like you’re on your way to play a game of cricket, trim a hedge or take up position collecting coins in the carpark of the local school fair, it’s best to wear them in the same way you might wear a straw hat.
“When not on the beach, I like wearing them with floaty summer dresses or a printed shirt and short set,” says Lucy, who adds that it might also be best to avoid wearing other ’90s accessories like micro-sunglasses lest you look like an extra from Clueless.

Above: Lee Mathews bucket hat, $149; Lack of Color raffia bucket hat, $129; Prada bucket hat, $650
“I like flipping up the front brim so that it opens up the face, however in high sun – full brim down is best for full protection. I also love styles like the Wellington Factory that has a metal wire in the brim that can help you shape the hat to frame your face.”
As for me? The Marle bucket hat ($70) I bought last summer is still going strong. It’s beach-proof, suitcase-proof and toddler-proof, which is more than I can say for every straw hat I’ve ever owned. The only question? How I’ll cope when the bucket hat trend eventually ends.
Photography: Sarah Adamson
Styling: Lucy Wood
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