Sugar. Wine. Instagram. Sometimes it feels as though everything fun in life is bad for you.
Which is why we love these products so much. Not only are they brilliant and stylish, but they’re making a positive difference in the world, too.
When we launched PRIMER, we wanted to create a website that offered great stories – but that also made a difference. That’s why we’re a social enterprise, and give 50 per cent of our profits back to NGOs.
To celebrate – and amplify – fellow brands that also give back, we selected five of our favourites to style, photograph and post on social.

Loo Paper with a difference
Dunny roll. Toilet paper. Whatever you call it, this particular loo paper is actually pretty special stuff.
Why? It’s from Who Gives A Crap and is not only 100% recycled and plastic-free, but also delivers 50 per cent of profits to providing sanitation to the 2.3 billion people around the world who don’t have it.
Sidenote: We (Fliss and Anna) both get it delivered. (In our houses, with little kids, the arrival of Who Gives a Crap boxes filled with brightly coloured loo rolls is cause for excitement. Sad, but there you have it.)
Small product, big impact
The novelist Iris Murdoch once said: “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats”. We couldn’t agree more. And if you’re searching for such a treat, look no further than these gorgeous bars of Thankyou soap, which are not only deliciously scented (think geranium, rosewood and fig) but also commit 100 per cent of profits towards alleviating global poverty.
In fact, Thankyou products – like these soaps, as well as handwash, baby products and water – have so have so far donated more than $6m to NGOs that improve sanitation or offer child and maternal health programmes in developing countries.
Not bad for soap.

Chocolate, anyone?
This plate of deliciousness not only tastes good (trust us), it also makes you feel good.
That’s because Melbourne chocolatier Hey Tiger is a social enterprise, and donates 50c per full size bar and 25c per mini bar to a Ghanian charity that helps cocoa farming communities, where child labour is rife.
Co-founder and tech entrepreneur Cyan Ta’aed came up with the concept after she was forced to spend a month in bed recovering from an injury. “I came out the other side of it really wanting to do something new… to have real social impact.”

Feel-good food
Forget soggy sandwiches or fridge-cold quiche. If you need a deliiiicious lunch at work – for yourself or a group of workmates – here’s an idea: get something delivered from Two Good. All their soup and salad recipes are dreamed up by A-list chefs – think Kylie Kwong, Sarah Wilson, Matt Moran and more.
But the best bit? For every lunch bought, an identical meal goes to a women’s refuge. In other words, you eat one, they treat one. How’s that for a feel-good winter meal?
Brow products with a big heart
Over the past five years Benefit Cosmetics has donated $1m to Australian charities Look Good Feel Better, Fitted For Work and the Sister 2 Sister program as part of its Bold Is Beautiful program, which donates 100 per cent of profits from brow waxes each May to charity.
Plus, 100 per cent of profits from this special edition 3D BROWtones goes to charity all year round.
As a social enterprise, PRIMER supports two charities – one local and one international. They are the Women and Girls Emergency Centre in Sydney’s Redfern, which houses 200 women and girls (many of whom are escaping domestic violence) every night, and the Against Malaria Foundation, which fights malaria, the number one killer of pregnant women in Africa. You can read more about their work here.
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