

Fashion Wants You To Wear A Bustier

But it’ll settle for a lace-trimmed camisole


Meet The Next Big Thing In Beauty

Forget recycling. The newest beauty trend is refills.


Women’s Safety Matters. Here’s Where The Major Parties Stand

Millions of Australians have lived through gendered violence. Here’s what the major parties have pledged to do about it.


Fashion Week, You’ve Changed

There were slip dresses, suits, sparkles – and a new sense of inclusivity. (It’s about time)


Why Does Adulthood Still Seem Out Of Reach?

We’re growing older, but not necessarily growing up – at least, not in the way our parents did


A Mother’s Day Like No Other

Separated from their husbands and families. Resettled in a new country. For Ukrainian refugees in Australia, Mother’s Day looks very different this year.


Women’s Safety Was A Hot Topic Last Year – And Now? Nothing.

Politicians – and the media – have precious little appetite for the topic that dominated politics last year: gendered violence. Jess Hill looks at why.


Let Them Eat — Retro, Instagram-Friendly — Cake

Pass the rustic carrot slice. Colourful, over-the-top retro cakes are back in a big way.


What’s The One Issue That Could Change The Way You’ll Vote?

We ask 10 women from all over Australia to share what matters to them


Knits Are Knot Just For Jumpers

This is knitwear but (k)not as you know it.


“I Was Stalked By A Stranger”

When a man began following Ellis Gunn – showing up at her son’s school and at her home – it forced her to reassess other experiences in her life.


It’s Time For Victim Survivors Of Violence To Be Heard

PRIMER’s new gendered violence journalist Jess Hill on why this subject matters.