

A Bold New Novel About Maternal Ambivalence

Emma Darragh’s debut tells the story of three generations of women as they navigate girlhood, motherhood and selfhood


IUD Insertions Can Be Painful. Too Many Women Aren’t Told That.

IUDs can be life-changing for many women. But, too often, the pain that can be caused by insertion is dismissed.


Meet The Woman Ending Period Poverty

Share the Dignity founder Rochelle Courtenay on her mission to get menstrual products to everyone who needs them


“All These Gender Equality Initiatives Feel Like Gaslighting”

Many of us are understandably furious about the results of this week’s gender pay gap data – but what can we actually do about it?


Top Shelf With Marisa Meltzer

From The Babysitter’s Club to Jane Eyre, discover what the Glossy author loves to read


“I Started Pulling Out My Hair. And I Couldn’t Stop.”

In her teens, this writer developed trichotillomania – the compulsion to pull out her hair. Here, she gives a fascinating insight into her condition


Ballet Flats Are Back. Are You Ready?

Today’s iteration is less classic, less delicate and more directional.


The Gender Pay Gap Data Is Here. But We Must Go Further

The statistics have been released. Now we must interrogate the cultural norms that underpin them.


The Gender Abuse We Don’t Read About

Are we ignoring intimate partner violence in same-sex communities?  And at what cost?


Why This Woman Wants Your Old Clothes

How RCYCL founder Belinda Paul saves unusable textiles from landfill – and helps them find a second life


“A Reckoning Is Coming Over Women’s Salaries”

This week, Australian companies will reveal their gender pay gaps. Kylie Morris, who worked in the UK when similar legislation was introduced, warns that the fallout will be considerable


Meet This Season’s Instant Outfit Update: Rosettes

Rosettes are blooming everywhere